Purchasing Contracts
Many public agencies and school districts utilize the cooperative purchasing contracts listed below to ensure legal compliance of the organizations they work with and to reduce overall costs. In our commitment to our customers, Advanced Classroom Technologies has registered with the following purchasing contract administrations.
National Coorperative Purchasing Alliance /OMNIA Partners
NCPA (National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance) now a part of OMNIA Partners is a leading national government purchasing cooperative working to reduce the cost of goods and services by leveraging the purchasing power of public agencies in all 50 states.
There are over 90,000 agencies nationwide from both the public and nonprofit sectors that are eligible to utilize NCPA's cooperative purchasing contracts. These include, but are not limited to the following agency types:
School Districts (including K-12, Charter schools, and Private K-12)
Higher Education (including Universities, Community Colleges, Private Colleges, and Technical / Vocational Schools)
Advanced Classroom Technologies is able to leverage the NCPA purchasing contract through our distribution partner TD Synnex.
PEPPM Purchasing Contract
The PEPPM purchasing cooperative has a proven record of serving school districts and other public agencies across all the United States with purchasing contracts competitively bid under the high standards expected for public-sector procurement.
The name of the program is pronounced PEP-um, a now-archaic acronym that originally meant “Pennsylvania Education Purchasing Program for Microcomputers." Its first bid was for four lines of microcomputers. Today the program serves schools and public agencies in all U.S. communities, and its bid awards extend to all types of technology products, supplies, and solutions.
KCDA Purchasing Cooperative
KCDA Top 25 Vendor for 2023
KCDA’s mission is to provide centralized procurement services to member school districts and public agencies that will save them time and money as well as comply with all legal procurement requirements. KCDA's goal is to help school districts focus their resources in the classroom and to help public agencies focus on direct services to the taxpayers.
KCDA Purchasing Cooperative was founded 1938 by school board members in King County. KCDA helps its members save money by creating volume purchasing and fulfilling bid law requirements. KCDA manages centralized receiving, warehousing, and distribution while offering additional contracts to provide a single-source for consumable supplies, facilities projects, and technology equipment.
OETC Purchasing Contract
The OETC Consortium is made up of educational institutions, united under a common belief that everyone should have access to the tools for a great education.
Together, these institutions wield a strong negotiating voice so that all 1,000 members of OETC, regardless of individual purchasing power, can provide the technology access that all students deserve.
The OETC's Mission is to support the needs of educational institutions in finding, understanding, purchasing and integrating educational technology. The OETC aims to enable and empower educators, administrators and leaders to make educational technology more widely accessible and affordable
California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) offers a wide variety of commodity, non-IT Services, and information technology products and services at prices which have been assessed to be fair, reasonable and competitive. The CMAS Program creates a pool of suppliers that an agency can solicit offers from. When utilized correctly, CMAS streamlines the procurement process. This form of procurement differs from the competitive bid process.
The use of CMAS is optional and is available to state and local government agencies.
California Multiple Award Schedules
Washington Learning Source
The Washington Learning Source carries a wide variety of discounted products that fulfill educational needs ranging from language learning acquisition programs to campus safety products and services. Schools save money by purchasing from the WLS!
Pursuant to RCW 39.34, an intergovernmental (Interlocal) purchase agreement forms the basis for WLS membership. All public K-12 education institutions and associations published in the Washington State Eduction Directory, and Washington State public agencies are eligible to become WLS members and purchase from this optional use contract. Interlocal purchasing contracts allow either party to make purchases at the other party’s accepted proposal price. A list of current WLS members is posted on the Washington Learning Source website